Travels With A Neganative, Part 1

October 13, 2003

The first way to save the ranch, if it’s scenic enough to appeal to rich donors, is the way they saved Orville’s place on Wilson Mesa. But what about the magic length of U.S. 84 between Abiquiu and Chama in northern New Mexico?

The Terminator Vs. The Iron Man

October 8, 2003

What is to be learned from the California recall and Arnold Schwarzenegger? New Mexico has already been through it. The story does not end with the election.

Two Ways of Looking at a Bill Bear

September 23, 2003

Why Bill Richardson “lost” Amendment No. 2 in the special election: Was it the the total return? Or something bigger, like the chickens coming home to roost?

A Long Letter From A Good Citizen

September 20, 2003

I freelanced the arguments from Aubrey Dunn’s polemical e-mail on Bill Richardson’s school deal, but the anecdotes of corruption called for real journalism.

The Firebombing Of Japan: An Apology

September 5, 2003

The maker of “The Thin Blue Line” and other artful documentary films interviewed Robert S. McNamara for 20 hours and came up with. . . the 20th Century, personified.

Loathing Of Wilderness Does Not Come Naturally

August 13, 2003

Before you get taken in and taken over by the political delusions about wilderness, go out and take a look for yourself. There are hikers and rangers who really love it out there, and they are not wackoes.

The Strategic Importance Of Verbal Camouflage

August 8, 2003

High energy access tools, educational reform and accountability initiative. Words, words, words. Do they mean anything anymore?

Two Cases On Parental Rights

July 30, 2003

New Mexico does not look favorably on nonsupporting fathers. Or negligent mothers.

Here’s The Opinion — Will The Appropriation Be In The Mail?

July 21, 2003

The agency that watches judges and magistrates needs more money worse than it needs continuity of membership, goes the implicit argument of the Supreme Court majority. Well, first let’s retain the continuity, goes the dissent.

Is The Judicial Watchdog In The Governor’s Lap?

July 18, 2003

Judicial reform has always been a rough road, but now there’s a big pot hole, courtesy of the State Supreme Court and Gov. Bill Richardson.

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