Category Archives: New Mexico Politics

The Oneness of New Mexico. Legislative, Executive, Judicial: unified! Politics and Government: same-same.

A partnership between the executive and the judiciary in the American form of government is suspect, even if it’s for a good cause, like fighting terrorism or drunk driving.

A partnership between the executive and the judiciary in the American form of government is suspect, even if it’s for a good cause, like fighting terrorism or drunk driving.

It’s not a credit card, not a debit card. It’s the new, the wonderful, the magic National Deficit Card! Bill Richardson and the phantom debt-planning telemarketer.

Governor’s man Contarino says 98 per cent is a pretty good average for non-felonious appointments. Are they giving the real politicians a bad name?

Was it the libertarian drug issue or superior organization that defeated John Dendahl as New Mexico Republican state chairman? Whatever. . . Politics ain’t simple.

You could be fined $1,000 for failing to file a price affidavit on recording a real estate contract or deed, but if you wanta to know what houses are going for in your neighborhood, you still have to see a Realtor.

New Mexico gets $168 per person this year in pork barrell spending from Congress — fourth highest in the nation — according to a Washington anti-waste group. Should we feel guilty?

In the post-Dendahl era of political warming, the Democrats and Republicans may be dropping all pretense that they are polarized on environmental and business issues.

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